Health & Safety, a mixed bag!
So far, like most people, I’ve had a week of mixed fortunes. I’ve seen two Reindeer, had a desk massage (or massage at my desk) and left a pair of shoes on the train. I guess Health and Safety is a bit like that, it can lead changes that some people rail against but on occasion it can and does improve peoples lives. This week I’ve been at a Call Centre undertaking DSE assessments (we have a contract to visit a number of times a month, and have been doing so for some time) which at times has been never ending and felt like trying to walk up hill through treacle but in the midst of seeing nearly 50 people, some of which where a bit cross to say the least, one lady sought me out to Thank me for all we had done to help her (in truth not a great deal) she was going home in far less pain, sleeping better and felt far less grumpy – all that because of a vertical mouse! In Health and Safety we don’t always get greeted with a smile but it does sometimes happen!