Hello Safety Midget-Gems or whoever is reading this blog what I wrote! As promised in my original blog post, here is my second of ten top tips to help you create your own H&S management system and conquer your H&S woes – enjoy!
Easy Peasy Safety Stuff – No.2 (Safety Policy- Amazing!)
Decide how you will manage H&S within your business and write it down this will be your H&S Policy.
Write a health and safety policy
This is where you set out your stall; your commitment to health and safety as a business and a description of who does what, when they do it and how.
Describing how you will manage health and safety in your business will let your staff and others know about your commitment to health and safety. This will be your health and safety policy. It should clearly say who does what, when and how.
Don’t just steal something off the web which is dead obvious, steal this template instead and fill in the blanks it’s not 100% perfect but it will give you a really good start.

If you want me to check what you have produced email it to me at emma@innovativesafety.co.uk, Emma is my colleague and I have warned her to expect your emails, not just being mean!
I know people often don’t really mean this but I really, definitely do, I am happy to give telephone and email advice free of charge, it’s only if you want me to put shoes on and leave the office that a charge would incur!